"Comfy" is an odd word 'cause it always looks wrong to me even when it's spelt right. Anyway, this is the pose I wanted to do. The rough overlayed over the illustration really does cover up a lot of the subtle gradients I'm working with.
Here is a really rough test I did to see if a posed work 'cause I was having the hardest time drawing it out in pencil. I need the shadings and shapes to let me know if it could work. It's very stylized and art deco-ish in my mind, but it's looking cool. My next illustration will be based on that pose and I really wish I had a model 'cause I don't feel ashamed to admit, I'm not the best with thinking up poses out of my mind. I've got my own sense of anatomy and sometimes it works and sometiems it's just "wonky" as my old life drawing teacher put it.
I'm starting work on the top illustration right now and it's fairly simple. I like using bright and soft colours. It's very cheerful. I ended up adding a body to the rest of the head for the second illustration. I just couldn't get the head right everytime I redrew it so I just patched it on digitally. I might soften up that orange, but I like how it turned out.
This piece is relatively simple and when something is simple you have to get it right or else it just shows. I wanted to do something with the flow of the gown so that's the main focus of it here. Well onward to the next piece which will be more complex.
The colours changed quite a bit from start to finish to get things to fit together better, but I like how it turned out. Watch me not live up to it, but I think I'm going to try to do an illustration with a girl in it every day this week. I've got something planned for later though the roughs aren't working out well enough yet.
So I'm working on more graphic things with less line work again. It's fun and I realize how much I shift things around when I work on these. I should really get a light table one day so it'd be easier to shift things through analog means. I just didn't get the left leg right and ended up shifting it around quite a bit while working on this. I'm not sure if any of this will be the final colour. I mostly wanted to get the shapes down first to get an overall feel for the piece. Blocking things out really helps when you're doing anything very graphically.
So I'm trying to go work on more graphical illustration for this piece. It's fun not having to redraw the lines for a piece of illustration all the time in illustrator. It saves a lot of time since each line becomes its own object so in the end, drawing the lines could equal to more work than colouring the illustrations in. I'm liking how this piece is turning out so far.
First off, I finally updated my website. I know it took longer than I planned, but I finally did it. It's located here and I mostly updated the children, misc and rough section of it with minor shuffling and deleting of images in editorial and lifestyle. I need to start doing more illustrations for both of them.
The sketches are for Valentine's Day, I guess. I should try to colour the top one day. Now to get back to drawing and waiting for my discount chocolates.
It's fun what you can draw late at night. I think most creative people create at crazy hours of the day 'cause inspirations or the mood strikes then. It's a really bad habit to get into and one I've been trying to break, but oh well if the results are good. I really liked the corner picture of the girl and thought I'd do a quick colour of it.
I'm trying to fix my mental schedule to be more drawing oriented. I'm not sure if I can managed an illustration a day anymore, but I want to draw every day at the very least and do almost one illustration a day for most of the work week. Here's something I started yesterday. It's the third of of a bunch of animal illustrations I'm working on. I've got a Narwhal and Rhino as the other two.