Monday, June 21, 2010


I've realized I've drawing lately, but not inking as much. Here are a few older sketches from my sketchbook. The top sketch is another sketch for an origami story I've been meaning to write and the bottom sketch is just something random.

On a site note, my friend, the wonderful illustrator Jacqueline Pytyck has a print up at Working Proof were part of the procedes go to a charity and in this case, the charity is The Shama Foundation. It's a lovely piece of illustration ahd it's going to a good cause so check the print and charity and buy one if you can.

And here's a colour piece to add a bit more colour to this post. This was part of a series for a custom hand-made book that was a mock RPG flora and fauna guidebook. I've been meaning to go back to them and add more textures to make them pop a bit more.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Games

Here's another rough for a promo this month. On a side note, I did a puzzle illustration for ChickaDEE magazine for their back to school issue. It should be the September issue, so I'm looking forward to that.