Tuesday, August 7, 2007

More Random Sketches

So there's the penguin knight. It's not exactly working too well right now, but I'll fix it up ... eventually. And yes, the warrior has a giant utility knife strapped to his back. That's from a series where I had "normal" object turned huge and into weapons.

I swear the girl in the middle that I inked freaks me out. Something about that face, I think. Oh well, the rest of the sketches around that are based off of an old idea I had awhile ago with something flying on a giant origami crane.

LOOK! Origami crane flying with a girl on it! There's a turtle too if you look upside-down. I was thinking of doing a series or maybe a storybook with different scenes.

Just more random sketches. I was trying to re-draw a SD girl I did last summer. It's odd doing something like that since you notice the changes in the way things turn out ... for better or for worse, I guess.

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